Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 1 - 21 Day Fix

Breakfast was great! Definitely my favorite meal of the day. Four slices of bacon (one red) two eggs (one red) and one green container of mushrooms. So good!
Next came JalapeƱo Cheddar Smoked  sausage (two reds) with two green containers of romaine salad and a green container of mushrooms. I love mushrooms! And my wife hates them so I don't have to share.
For supper I had whole grain chicken fajitas with diced tomatoes, romaine lettuce, shredded cheese and a little homemade guacamole. Super good, but not as fulfilling as I would have wanted.
So that was my day of food. I had fruit for snacks and a protein drink after my workout. Right now I'm not doing the 21 Day Fix workouts. My goal is still to compete in strong man so I will eat more protein (red containers) than the diet requires. And my workouts are basic compound lifts (Squat, Deadlift, Press and Bench) with an auxiliary exercise and then 30 minutes of slow cardio. So far I am feeling pretty good, but I'm hungry.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

500 lbs Deadlift

Did this a couple weeks ago. However, this has been my fourth set weight since this video. I do Deadlift once a week. I typically do four sets (315/10 405/6 455/4 500/3). Then I do three sets of T-bar rows (115/12 160/10 160/10). After all that I do four two-minute rounds with a thirty second rest on the rowing machine. I usually do this workout before I do an hour of Judo. This day kills me. But it is great. It gives me deceptive endurance!

"Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R Tolkien

So this is the beginning. This blog has been somewhat long in my mind and has now finally found form. I endeavor to devote this blog to my fitness and spiritual journey. I will ramble and that is okay. At the end of the day this blog is a platform for my journey to a better me and place of remembrance to look back upon to gain strength for new challenges ahead. So here we go!

The wife, who is simply amazing, and me are beginning the 21 Day Fix. I feel that this should benefit me in three specific ways. 1) I will eat more vegetables. For my caloric need on this diet I am suppose to have 6 cups of vegetables a day. This is substantially more than I consume on a normal day. 2) I will be forced to become more conscience of what and how much I am eating. Gone shall be days of sitting down with a bag of Doritos, a large pizza and a twenty-four pack of Mountain Dew and only noticing how much I've been eating when the pizza and Doritos are gone! 3) To hopefully circumvent the history of diabetes that runs in my family. My mother and father are diabetic and my older sister is pre-diabetic. So my future is all but set unless I change. Therefore, I shall do so with God's help, family support and self-discipline.

P.S. I'm 300lbs. And this is my before picture. I am training for Strongman Competition and competing in Judo alongside doing MMA training as a hobby.